Friday, May 30, 2008

Are The Dixie Chicks, Pink and Kanye West really..."BUSH?"

One might not understand what all three of these people/bands have in common, considering they all sing a different genre of music and gain a different level of population. Well, the one thing they do share in common is their strong and publicized opinions against "Mr. President", George Bush. Have it be Pink's "Dear Mr President" lyrics, Kanye West's unscripted tirade (Freaking out Mike Myers in the process) or the Dixie Chick's brilliant comment at a concert in London, England, all 3 opinions are strongly critisized by the media. But let's talk about the Dixie Chicks shall we? During that concert in London, singer Natalie Maines decided to tell a secret to the people of England: "Just so you know, we're ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas". One might also wonder why she would say something like this as Natalie herself is from the Lone Star State.

Maines is a very opiniated woman and this did not help her cause during this concert. I'm sure she would love to have that one back, but after the concert, Maines and her crew Martie Mcguire and Emily Robison apologized for Natalie's comment. Maybe Natalie and the Dixie Chicks should take her comments and music to a new "country".

Pink, on the other hand just flat out rips decides to rip the president in her song "Dear Mr. President"..go figure. This pop song was actually popular as it made the top 10 and cracked a top 5 appearance in Australia. Was that just because Australia has something against Bush, or is Pink really that good? I think Australia might be flirting with Iraq but who that doesn't matter. Her song opens with:

Dear Mr. President,Come take a walk with me.

Let's pretend we're just two people and

You're not better than me.

I'd like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly.

Pink might be better than Bush in the president department, but I think big George can make up some better lyrics that that. Pink is obviously very opiniated also, and felt strongly enough to put her feelings into this song.

Finally, Kanye West blurted out: "George Bush doesn't care about black people". He said this while talking on NBC's Hurricane Katrina's fundraiser. He later said: "I hate the way they portray us in the media. If you see a black family, it says they're looting. See a white family, it says they are looking for food". This all being said while poor Mike Myers is speaking from his heart to help those in need. Unfortunatly, it seems Kanye is speaking from his heart also, which was made very controversial by the media as yet another famous singer decides to attack Bush.

Got to feel sorry for Myers in this picture

I still do not understand why the Dixie Chicks comment was still more controversial than those of Kanye's and Pink's. Freedom of Speech is a right in the United States which means everyone has their opinion, and although it is not always the brightest thing to do, no one should be brought down so much like the Dixie Chicks did for it.
On the other hand, I believe Kanye West's comments on national television were unacceptable, and for the fact they were advertising for the red cross, that is even worse. Pink just straight up felt the need to sing about it, meaning these comments are going to be said more than once as one can hear this song everyday.
It is good to see the Dixie Chicks over this now when watching the end of "Shut up and Sing". They should not be feeling sorry for what Natalie said, Kanye and Pink in my opinion should be the one's to apologize.
(Class handout also)
(Handout also)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Gwen or Goddess?

The release of Gwen Stefani's first solo album created attention to her group of four Harajuku girls. These girls are featured throughout some of her music videos. Despite being in her music videos, these girls constantly follow her around. Stefani decided to name these girls in order with her new clothing line and album named "L.A.M.B". Each girl represets one of these letters, being Lamb, Angel, Music and Baby. These are not the real names of the girls, and Stefani does not allow them to speak in public. One who does not know Gwen Stefani's full intention with the Harajuku Girls would believe this is nuts, or she is not being fair. People may think these girls are just slaves to Stefani to make her videos more appealing and she is disrespecting the Japanese culture in the process. Other thoughts include if these girls are even fully Japanese themselves, of if they are only Japanese Americans who are also adapting the Japanese culture. These women are rumoured to be American, who are only obligated to speak Japanese in public, especially to the media. It is also argued that she does not even care about the culture at all, and is just doing this for the money and fame. This is not the case, there are many people out there who respect and want to learn other cultures, why can't Gwen Stefani just be known for wanting to do the same? Just because she is making money as a result, and to from the expense of the girls does not mean she does not care about them and the Japanese culture. She just wants to interpret a new culture into her music and show the public the Harajuku culture. She does not deserve to be judged, and does not deserve people assuming these things without knowing the truth.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Media Inventory

Which family member uses it most?

TV- Me
Telephone- Father
Cell- Father
Computer- Me

Which family member uses it least?

TV- Mother
Telephone- Me
Cell- Mother
Computer- Mother

My mother does most, if not all of the housework. She also works 4 days a week. Besides using the phone, she does not have too much time or too much interest in watching television. She also isn't fully up to date on computers and cell phones. It sometimes feels wierd when I see my father NOT on the computer, or not on some kind of phone. He tends to do both at once as he has a demanding job and customers and co-workers are always trying to contact him via phone or e-mail. If I am at home, and have nothing better to do, I am on my computer. Enough said.

Use is restricted?

Telephone- No
Cell- No
Computer- No

My parents are not at all strict, they understand that the majority of the kids now a days need a cell phone and a computer. Only when I am on it a little too much, will my parents step in and tell me to get off.


TV- Yes
Telephone- Yes
Cell- Yes
Computer- Yes

Mostly for entertainment?

Telephone- No
Cell- Yes
Computer- Yes

I only watch TV for entertainment purposes, mostly sports on weekends and sitcoms on weekdays. My cell phone and computer are pretty much solely based on fun interaction with my friends.

Mostly for homework?

Telephone- No
Cell- No
Computer- No

I spend more time on the internet, or watching television than I do with my homework on a daily basis.


Telephone- No
Cell- Yes
Computer- Yes

My cell phone and laptop were pretty expensive. My dad only buys the best products and will not settle for anything sub-par. I'm pretty spoiled.


TV- Yes
Telephone- Yes
Cell- No
Computer- No

Favourite Media tool?

Father- Cell
Mother- Telephone
Sister- Computer
Me- Computer

Least favourite?

Father- Radio
Mother- Computer
Sister- Radio
Me- Telephone

Which item is used the most?
My laptop is definately used the most. When I am at home, I will be sitting in the chair either looking at my laptop, or possibly turned around watching the television. When home, my sister is constasntly on her laptop also, either for fun or for work purposes which she takes a lot of pride in doing. My father is also always on his laptop, and is only on it for work purposes.

Do children of different ages or sexes prefer different items?

Children of different ages prefer different items because their parents have influenced their kids at a young age and as they begin to grow up. When fully grown, they begin to want to do things on their own.